Tough Guys video
Feisty Women
Feisty Women Mac admires them
Cutting Room Floor
Cutting Room video
Mac on video nasty? you decide
The First Battle
Dark Art – the Dice (video)

“Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what’s for lunch.” Orson Welles Sometimes you make a commitment to a friend and … duty calls. When twittering, a wee while back, I exchanged some food ideas with my friend Sandra. In a weak moment I shared about my plans for cooking a steak when my wife was away. Then, after a […]

“A hungry man can’t see right or wrong. He just sees food.” Pearl S. Buck Would you sauté, roast or boil a cat? One factor I’ve noticed while doing two days fasting per week is things I wouldn’t normally eat have started to look more attractive as potential meals: stray cats, car tyres, curtains … do […] I like food. How am I going to stay healthy? Here are few thoughts about health and weight loss for the older, more cuddly (tough, grizzled, big-boned, triple chinned…) male person. Women are welcome to join in, and the cuddlier the better. Age is no barrier. This written from my perspective as a chunky man. […]